Aashish Rai

I'm a Computer Science Ph.D. student at Brown University, supervised by Srinath Sridhar at the Interactive 3D Vision & Learning Lab (IVL). My research focuses on multimodal learning at the intersection of vision, sound, and language. I am broadly interested in enabling machines to learn and understand the human brain's ability to integrate multiple modalities, which allows us to interact efficiently with our environment. Additionally, I am also interested in developing efficient methods for reconstructing the 3D world around us.

Currently, I am also working as a Computer Vision Engineer II (CW) at Meta Reality Labs in Burlingame, California, hosted by Aayush Prakash.

Previously, I worked as a full-time Research Assistant at Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Fernando De la Torre at Human Sensing Lab. My work there involved realistic 3D face generation by leveraging 2D generative models in collaboration with Meta Reality Labs.

Before joining CMU, I completed my undergraduate studies in ECE at the National Institute of Technology (NIT) Surat, India. During this time, I worked with Kishor Upla on problems in Deep Learning and Computer Vision. I also had the opportunity to collaborate with McGill University, Norwegian Biometrics Lab, and Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) on Computer Vision research.

I am always open to research collaborations in vision, multimodal learning, and related fields. Feel free to email me to discuss potential collaborations.

Email  /  Google Scholar  /  GitHub  /  LinkedIn  /  CV

[Oct 2024] Our paper [ EgoSonics ] is accepted to WACV 2025. See you in Arizona!
[May 2024] Started working at Meta Reality Labs in Burlingame, CA.
[Oct 2023] Our paper [ Towards Realistic Generative 3D Face Models ] is accepted to WACV 2024.
[Aug 2023] Started Ph.D. in Computer Science at Brown University.
[May 2023] Our work [ Towards Realistic Generative 3D Face Models ] is trending on Twitter. Covered by media, Synced and many other!!
[Jan 2023] Presented one paper on 3D Face Generation at WACV 2023 in Hawaii.
[Sep 2022] Collaborated with Pavlos Protopapas's group at Harvard University to work on Black Holes research.


I am fortunate to have worked with some of the best people at the following places:

Computer Vision Engineer II (CW)
Meta Reality Labs

Burlingame, CA, USA
(May/2024 - )
Hosted by: Aayush Prakash

Research Assistant
Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University

Pittsburgh, PA, USA
(Sept/2021 - June/2023)
Advisor: Fernando De la Torre

Research Intern
Shared Reality Lab, McGill University

Montreal, Canada
(May/2020 - Mar/2021)
Advisor: Jeremy Cooperstock

Undergraduate Researcher
Norwegian Biometrics Laboratory, NTNU Norway

(Dec/2019 - May/2020)
Advisor: Kishor Upla, Christoph Busch

Summer Research Intern
IIRS, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)

Dehradun, India
(May/2019 - Jul/2019)
Advisor: Anil Kumar

Undergraduate Researcher
MLCV Lab, NIT Surat

Surat, India
(Jan/2019 - Nov/2019)
Advisor: Kishor Upla


UVGS: Reimagining Unstructured 3D Gaussian Splatting using UV Mapping
Aashish Rai, Dilin Wang, Mihir Jain, Nikolaos Sarafianos, Arthur Chen, Srinath Sridhar, Aayush Prakash
arXiv 2025
project page | pdf

EgoSonics: Generating Synchronized Audio for Silent Egocentric Videos
Aashish Rai, Srinath Sridhar
Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2025
project page | pdf

Towards Realistic Generative 3D Face Models
Aashish Rai, Hiresh Gupta, Ayush Pandey, Francisco Vicente Carrasco, Shingo Jason Takagi, Amaury Aubel, Daeil Kim, Aayush Prakash, Fernando de la Torre
Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2024
project page | pdf

Controllable 3D Generative Adversarial Face Model via Disentangling Shape and Appearance
Fariborz Taherkhani, Aashish Rai, Quankai Gao, Shaunak Srivastava, Xuanbai Chen, Fernando de la Torre, Steven Song, Aayush Prakash, Daeil Kim
Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2023
project page | pdf

Improved Attribute Manipulation in the Latent Space of StyleGAN for Semantic Face Editing
Aashish Rai, Clara Ducher, Jeremy Cooperstock
20th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, Pasadena, CA, USA, 2021
pdf | project page

ComSupResNet: A Compact Super-Resolution Network for Low-Resolution Face Images.
Aashish Rai, Vishal Chudasama, Kishor Upla, Kiran Raja, Raghavendra Ramachandra, Christoph Busch
8th International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF), Porto, Portugal, 2020
pdf | project page
(extended version is accepted in IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior and Identity Science (T-BIOM))

[Teaching] Teaching Assistant (Fall 2024): CSCI 1430, Computer Vision.
[Reviewer] CVPR, ECCV, NeurIPS, ICLR, ICML, WACV, etc.
[Hobbies] I love photography, scenic drives, biking, and reading books. Some of my photography work has been featured on Google Pixel and Pexels.

(website template modified from repo )

Hey folks from around the globe!!